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DonNTU master's portal

Materials on the theme of master's degree work

Abstract of thesis
Report on the search
Individual task

Theme of master's degree work: «Development of structure of network cryptographic devices on the basis of HDL and FPGA technologies»
Performed by: Ulyanov Jury Vladimirovich (st. of gr. SP-01m of DonNTU)

Abstract of thesis

1. Introduction. Topicality of the work

Any valuable information which spreads on various media, or across communication channels in local and global networks, can be modified according to some rules, with the purpose of preserving its confidentiality and integrity [1].
With the purpose of providing information confidentiality a special type of transformation, known as «encryption» is used [2]. The purpose of encryption is to conceal content and statistical dependence among parts of the original message. It is possible to encrypt any messages which have a value for a sender or recipient and can be intercepted by the third party with the purpose of subsequent by turning it to account [4]. For this reason, with the development of electronic computers and means of communication methods and means of preserving information confidentiality have also developed in the form of cryptographic programs, that perform data encryption at the top layers of the OSI model, and various cryptographic devices, that encrypt packages or flows of data, used for information exchange between the stations of local or global networks and peripheral devices, at lower layers of the OSI model.

2. Purpose and tasks of the work/research

The purpose of the initial stage of the master's degree work is to research methods of encryption in communication channels and choose the most optimal from them from performance and convenience perspective, also taking into account orientation for software-hardware realization.
The next stage of the work is the research of existing cryptographic algorithms with the purpose of their usage for coding of information at a transmission in networks, built on technology of Ethernet or Fast Ethernet on the twisted pair, taking into account the chosen method of coding of communication channel.
After the choice of method and algorithm of coding it is required to conduct the analysis of the desired functional possibilities of cryptographic complex, with the purpose of creation of the special protocols of co-operation encoder-host and encoder-encoder for the most effective concordance of work of its hardware and software parts.
The final stage of work is development and research the model of hardware encoder of communication channel, being an Ethernet or Fast Ethernet network, and protocols of co-operation encoder-host and encoder-encoder.

3. Scientific novelty

The scientific novelty of this master's degree work consists in taking alternative approach at determining the location of the most fast-acting harsware part in the OSI model and distributing of functions between separate parts of software-hardware cryptographic complex. Such distributing along with the idea of programmatic configuring of hardware part through a network interface with the facilities of host requires development of the proper protocols of co-operation. Scientific novelty is also consisted in approach at development of this protocols.

4. Practical value

The practical value of work is consisted in marketability the considered model of hardware encoder by HDL on the base of microcircuit ASIC with possibility of the subsequent practical use, analysis of efficiency of the whole system and its modifications toward the improvement of firmness of coding, fast-acting and other parameters.
This master's degree work results can also be used in educational and more deep research aims at the field of the hardware coding of information in communication channels.

5. Review of existent researches and developments on the topic

Detailed review of existent developments on the topic is possible to find in Russian-language description.

6. List of unsolved problems and questions

General aims which was pursued at development of cryptographic complex in this master's degree work are formulated below:
- the device of coding must take place in one microcircuit ASIC (except for additional ROM);
- configuring of hardware part of complex must take place programmatic through a general-purpose network interface by the special protocol on the basis of IP protocol;
- setting of the system key must take place through a general-purpose network interface by the special protocol on the basis of IP protocol;
- the generation of every session key must be carried out the special block into encoder transparently for an end-point user;
- there must be a rendition table between IP-addresses and keys of sessions with pointing of the mode of functioning of every opened communication channel into encoder;
- coding of information must not affect rout information of IP-frames, to eliminate the necessity of presence of similar encoder at all intermediate knots of the following of frame;
- before the beginning of transmitting of data, encoders must be finished say for opening of the protected session of connection and keys of sessions, using the special protocol on the basis of IP protocol.

7. Current and planned results on the topic

Development of the protocols of co-operation and also model of hardware encoder by HDL continue now, taking into account all planned features of its further functioning.
After completion development of coding device model description it is planned to execute its modeling with a purpose verifications of device rightness work in all foreseen modes, and to conduct further encoder parameters analysis for the estimation of possibility of their modification toward the improvement of its basic parameters.

8. Conclusion

Thus, for the choice of optimum technology for hardware encoder realization it was conducted comparative analysis of its possible realization on the base of different technologies. As a result of analysis it was confirmed and argued the expedience of the offered device realization on the base of ASIC-technology.

9. List of literature

1. Шнайер Б. «Прикладная криптография. Протоколы, алгоритмы, исходные тексты на языке Си» – М.: Издательство «ТРИУМФ», 2003 – 816 с.: ил.
2. Баричев С. «Криптография без секретов» – 43 с.
3. Харин Ю.С., Берник В.И., Матвеев Г.В. «Математические и компьютерные основы криптологии» – Мн.: «Новое знание», 2003 – 382 с.
4. Саломаа А. «Криптография с открытым ключом»: Пер. с. англ. – М.: Мир, 1995 – 320 с.
5. Мао В. «Современная криптография: теория и практика» - М.: Издательский дом «Вильямс», 2005 - 768 с.: ил.
6. Олифер В.Г., Олифер Н.А. «Компьютерные сети. Принципы, технологии, протоколы» - СПб.: Питер, 2001 - 672 с.: ил.